How To Make a Perfect Boat Mattress Template Every Time! | Ship Shape
How To Make a Perfect Boat Mattress Template Every Time!

Step 1 - Where to Start? 

Template Kits - £10 giving you £15 off when you order!

To get you started, we can send you a templating kit for £10 which includes a template which is roughly the size and shape you need, stickers to tape the pre-cut holes in the template to the bed base to keep it in place whilst you work, easy to follow step by step instructions about how to make a perfect template, return address labels and return mail bag, and spare templating paper for any amendments which may be required. A voucher is included which, when you place your order with us, will give you £15 off your mattress!

To order your templating kit, or if you have any questions, please call us on 03704 464233.

Step 2 - Making Your Template

Once you have your templating kit, follow the simple steps below. 

Watch our short video below...


Or Follow our Step by Step Guide below...

Please make your template to the full width of the bed base. During production we will allow for the thickness of the mattress cover, fillings and enough room for you to fit your fingers and bed sheets. 

Step 1:
Remove your old mattress/ cushions
Step 2:
Cover entire base with paper (join together so template is in one piece*)
Step 3:
Crease around edges with fingers - this is imperative to ensure the perfect fit!

Step 4:

Draw around the crease with a marker pen

Step 5:
Cut-out and lay back on bed to ensure a good fit (make any adjustments by simply adding or removing paper to the edges)

Step 6:
Mark your name. number, location of split if required*, and order details on the top surface


HINT: To stop the paper moving, cut holes in the paper and tape over them to hold it to the boards underneath.
*If the mattress is to be split, accurately mark the location of the split onto the template, do not cut!
step7 If you have sloping sides against the hull use a ruler (or the back page of our leaflet!) to measure vertically from the edge of the bed base to the height (depth) of your new mattress. Use a tape measure to find the distance out to the hull at this height. Indicate this on the template as shown and repeat at each corner and 2 or 3 times along each angled side. 

Step 3 - Send it!

Once you have your template all marked up, please send it back to us to the below address. We will get in touch once we have received it to go over the details of your order. 

Ship Shape Bedding 
Unit 1, Stalham Road Industrial Estate
Littlewoods Lane

NR12 8DZ

Thanks to our fool proof templating method, no matter where you are located; the UK, Europe or the rest of the world, we will help you produce a template for a perfect fitting:

Yacht Mattress 
Motorboat Mattress
Canal Boat Mattress
Narrowboat Mattress

Wondering why we need a template, ponder no longer and find out why right here!

Any Questions?
Please call us on
03704 464 233
